2024 - Problem 2 Evaluation

    The Problem 2 topic is Urbanisation. We ended up adapting the future scene provided by the International office so there are just two future scenes this time round. One for the Primary division and another for the remaining three divisions. Booklets are due to be submitted into the online system by 4pm, Thursday 27th June and will be available to you online no later than Matariki, Friday 28th June. You'll have four weekends this time round, so a little longer than usual,to evaluate your booklets which need to be completed and uploaded to our online site by Monday 22nd July.

    Please complete the information below to indicate availability and preferences for this problem.

    Evaluator Name

    Please give your full name (some of you have the same first name) rather than your code.


    Are you available for Problem 2? (required)


    New Scoring System

    Just a reminder that we have introduced a new excel scoring system last year. If you haven't yet evaluated using this system we would still welcome you to participate in evaluation. With rare exception, the evaluators have found the new system very easy to implement. Do you want Julie to contact you about this?

    Extra Sets

    The booklets are split into sets of 6 as far as possible but this does vary depending on how many booklets are submitted for each division.If they are available and you're keen to do extras, please indicate below.

    If 'Yes' how many extra sets can you do?

    Number of sets

    If you can not do an extra set but could do extra booklets, how many extra booklets?

    Number of booklets


    Anything else you think we need to know, e.g. a change of address, phone number or email etc

    Many thanks for everything you do for the programme.

    Future Problem Solving NZ