CmPS Training Workshop

    Contact Information

    School Information

    School Name (required)

    School Email (required)

    School Phone (required)

    School Postal Address (required)

    Principal's Name(required)

    Are you a new School? (required)


    Participant(s) Information

    Name (required)

    Home Phone (required)

    Mobile Phone

    Participant Email (required)

    Mailing Address

    Are you a new Coach? (required)


    Registration of Participant(s)

    Please identify which workshop you wish to attend

    If you chose "Other" please identify preferred area

    Are you are a teacher, a student or interested?

    If you are a student please advise your year level &
    coach's name

    Number of participants (required)

    Name of participant(s) at $150 plus GST each

    Future Problem Solving NZ