Evaluator Registration

    Personal Information

    Name (required)

    School (required)
    Where you coach or are/were a student

    Occupation (required)

    Home Phone (required)

    Mobile Phone or Alternative Phone Number

    Email Address (required)

    Postal Address for Booklets (required)

    Are you a new evaluator? (required)


    Evaluating Information

    Please select the divisions and components you would prefer

    to evaluate. Please note that whilst we do our best to abide

    by your 'preferences' this is not always possible.

    Competitive GIPS Divisions

    Y (Competitive Primary)

    JB / Junior



    Please indicate the number of 'sets' you are prepared
    to evaluate (required)

    There are usually 6 booklets per set. However, you will only be

    sent 3 booklets the first time you evaluate, 4 booklets the

    second time and 5 or 6 for your third problem. You may choose

    to do extra booklets after your first year of evaluating.

    Stepping Stones GIPS Divisions

    This is non-competitive GIPS and these booklets arrive at

    different times to the competitive booklets. Please note that

    you need to be an experienced evaluator to do these booklets.

    Stepping Stones Primary

    Stepping Stones Junior

    Stepping Stones Middle

    Stepping Stones Senior

    Other Components

    From time to time we seek evaluators for other components of

    FPS. Please indicate if you would be interested in any of these.

    Scenario Writing

    Scenario Performance

    Community Problem Solving

    Wages Information

    Bank Name:

    Account Number.:

    Account Holder Name:

    Future Problem Solving NZ